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Aug 2012: Resin outscales C-based web server nginx in AutoBench benchmark
Feb 2012: NetCraft survey says Resin experiencing strong growth in last year and used in number of the Million Busiest Sites.
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 Resin Server | Application Server (Java EE Certified) and Web Server

resin 4.0.7 release notes

Resin 4.0.7 Overview

Resin 4.0.7 is an interim CDI/EJB and bug fix release; the following release 4.0.8 is planned to be the full CDI TCK completion. People using CDI/EJB heavily may want to wait for the 4.0.8 release.

Resin 4.0.7 adds resin:IfMBeanEnabled and resin:MovedPermanently to the rewrite rules.

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